SADC Non-state Actor Engagement Mechanism
The engagement of civil society and citizens groups in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) programmes remain limited and often adhoc. This study makes assessement for SADC engagements with non-state actors in the areas of regional economic and political integration, and to propose options for more effective mechanisms that would ‘‘make SADC a more effective and efficient vehicle for community building. The Trust study recommendes that regional integration should be taken to the people of the region through developing an appropriate mechanism for stakeholder engagement in SADC, identifying the focal point for NSA engagement in the current structures of the SADC. The proposed Non-State Actor’s engagement mechanism was modelled on the provisions in Article 23 of the SADC treaty. A framework has been presented to SADC member states and still under discussion on the proposed SADC Non-state Actor Engagement Mechanism.

The engagement of civil society and citizens groups in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) programmes remain limited and often adhoc